API reference

Data structures

class apscheduler.Task(*, id, func, job_executor, max_running_jobs=None, misfire_grace_time=None)

Represents a callable and its surrounding configuration parameters.

  • id (str) – the unique identifier of this task

  • func (Callable) – the callable that is called when this task is run

  • job_executor (str) – name of the job executor that will run this task

  • max_running_jobs (int | None) – maximum number of instances of this task that are allowed to run concurrently

  • misfire_grace_time (timedelta | None) – maximum number of seconds the run time of jobs created for this task are allowed to be late, compared to the scheduled run time

class apscheduler.Schedule(*, id, task_id, trigger, args=(), kwargs=(), paused=False, coalesce=CoalescePolicy.latest, misfire_grace_time=None, max_jitter=None, next_fire_time=None, last_fire_time=None, acquired_by=None, acquired_until=None)

Represents a schedule on which a task will be run.

  • id (str) – the unique identifier of this schedule

  • task_id (str) – unique identifier of the task to be run on this schedule

  • args (tuple) – positional arguments to pass to the task callable

  • kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments to pass to the task callable

  • paused (bool) – whether the schedule is paused

  • coalesce (CoalescePolicy) – determines what to do when processing the schedule if multiple fire times have become due for this schedule since the last processing

  • misfire_grace_time (timedelta | None) – maximum number of seconds the scheduled job’s actual run time is allowed to be late, compared to the scheduled run time

  • max_jitter (timedelta | None) – maximum number of seconds to randomly add to the scheduled time for each job created from this schedule

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – determines what to do if a schedule with the same ID already exists in the data store

  • next_fire_time (datetime) – the next time the task will be run

  • last_fire_time (datetime | None) – the last time the task was scheduled to run

  • acquired_by (str | None) – ID of the scheduler that has acquired this schedule for processing

  • acquired_until (str | None) – the time after which other schedulers are free to acquire the schedule for processing even if it is still marked as acquired

class apscheduler.Job(*, id=_Nothing.NOTHING, task_id, args=(), kwargs=(), schedule_id=None, scheduled_fire_time=None, jitter=_Nothing.NOTHING, start_deadline=None, result_expiration_time=datetime.timedelta(0), created_at=_Nothing.NOTHING, acquired_by=None, acquired_until=None)

Represents a queued request to run a task.

  • id (UUID) – autogenerated unique identifier of the job

  • task_id (str) – unique identifier of the task to be run

  • args (tuple) – positional arguments to pass to the task callable

  • kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – keyword arguments to pass to the task callable

  • schedule_id (str) – unique identifier of the associated schedule (if the job was derived from a schedule)

  • scheduled_fire_time (datetime | None) – the time the job was scheduled to run at (if the job was derived from a schedule; includes jitter)

  • jitter (timedelta | None) – the time that was randomly added to the calculated scheduled run time (if the job was derived from a schedule)

  • start_deadline (datetime | None) – if the job is started in the scheduler after this time, it is considered to be misfired and will be aborted

  • result_expiration_time (timedelta) – minimum amount of time to keep the result available for fetching in the data store

  • created_at (datetime) – the time at which the job was created

  • started_at (datetime | None) – the time at which the execution of the job was started

  • acquired_by (str | None) – the unique identifier of the scheduler that has acquired the job for execution

  • acquired_until (str | None) – the time after which other schedulers are free to acquire the job for processing even if it is still marked as acquired

property original_scheduled_time: datetime | None

The scheduled time without any jitter included.

class apscheduler.JobResult(*, job_id, outcome, started_at, finished_at, expires_at, exception=None, return_value=None)

Represents the result of running a job.

  • job_id (UUID) – the unique identifier of the job

  • outcome (JobOutcome) – indicates how the job ended

  • started_at (datetime) – the time when the job was submitted to the executor (None if the job never started in the first place)

  • finished_at (datetime) – the time when the job ended (None if the job never started in the first place)

  • exception (BaseException | None) – the exception object if the job ended due to an exception being raised

  • return_value – the return value from the task function (if the job ran to completion successfully)


class apscheduler.Scheduler(data_store=None, event_broker=None, *, identity='', role=SchedulerRole.both, max_concurrent_jobs=100, cleanup_interval=None, job_executors=None, default_job_executor=None, logger=None)

A synchronous wrapper for AsyncScheduler.

When started, this wrapper launches an asynchronous event loop in a separate thread and runs the asynchronous scheduler there. This thread is shut down along with the scheduler.

See the documentation of the AsyncScheduler class for the documentation of the configuration options.

add_job(func_or_task_id, *, args=None, kwargs=None, job_executor=<unset>, result_expiration_time=0)

Add a job to the data store.

  • func_or_task_id (TaskType) – Either the ID of a pre-existing task, or a function/method. If a function is given, a task will be created with the fully qualified name of the function as the task ID (unless that task already exists of course).

  • args (Iterable | None) – positional arguments to call the target callable with

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – keyword arguments to call the target callable with

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the job with

  • result_expiration_time (timedelta | float) – the minimum time (as seconds, or timedelta) to keep the result of the job available for fetching (the result won’t be saved at all if that time is 0)

Return type:



the ID of the newly created job

add_schedule(func_or_task_id, trigger, *, id=None, args=None, kwargs=None, paused=False, job_executor=<unset>, coalesce=CoalescePolicy.latest, misfire_grace_time=<unset>, max_jitter=None, max_running_jobs=<unset>, conflict_policy=ConflictPolicy.do_nothing)

Schedule a task to be run one or more times in the future.

  • func_or_task_id (TaskType) – either a callable or an ID of an existing task definition

  • trigger (Trigger) – determines the times when the task should be run

  • id (str | None) – an explicit identifier for the schedule (if omitted, a random, UUID based ID will be assigned)

  • args (Iterable | None) – positional arguments to be passed to the task function

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – keyword arguments to be passed to the task function

  • paused (bool) – whether the schedule is paused

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the task with

  • coalesce (CoalescePolicy) – determines what to do when processing the schedule if multiple fire times have become due for this schedule since the last processing

  • misfire_grace_time (float | timedelta | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of seconds the scheduled job’s actual run time is allowed to be late, compared to the scheduled run time

  • max_jitter (float | timedelta | None) – maximum number of seconds to randomly add to the scheduled time for each job created from this schedule

  • max_running_jobs (int | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of instances of the task that are allowed to run concurrently (if not set, uses the default misfire grace time from the associated task, or None if there is no existing task)

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – determines what to do if a schedule with the same ID already exists in the data store

Return type:



the ID of the newly added schedule


Clean up expired job results and finished schedules.

Return type:


configure_task(func_or_task_id, *, func=<unset>, job_executor=<unset>, misfire_grace_time=<unset>, max_running_jobs=<unset>)

Add or update a task definition.

Any options not explicitly passed to this method will use their default values when a new task is created:

  • job_executor: the value of default_job_executor scheduler attribute

  • misfire_grace_time: None

  • max_running_jobs: 1

When updating a task, any options not explicitly passed will remain the same.

If a callable is passed as the first argument, its fully qualified name will be used as the task ID.

  • func_or_task_id (TaskType) – either a task, task ID or a callable

  • func (Callable | UnsetValue) – a callable that will be associated with the task (can be omitted if the callable is already passed as func_or_task_id)

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the task with

  • misfire_grace_time (float | timedelta | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of seconds the scheduled job’s actual run time is allowed to be late, compared to the scheduled run time

  • max_running_jobs (int | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of instances of the task that are allowed to run concurrently


TypeError – if func_or_task_id is neither a task, task ID or a callable

Return type:



the created or updated task definition

get_job_result(job_id, *, wait=True)

Retrieve the result of a job.

  • job_id (UUID) – the ID of the job

  • wait (bool) – if True, wait until the job has ended (one way or another), False to raise an exception if the result is not yet available


JobLookupError – if neither the job or its result exist in the data store, or the job exists but the result is not ready yet and wait=False is set

Return type:



Retrieve all jobs from the data store.


Retrieve a schedule from the data store.


id (str) – the unique identifier of the schedule


ScheduleLookupError – if the schedule could not be found

Return type:



Retrieve all schedules from the data store.


a list of schedules, in an unspecified order


Retrieve all currently defined tasks.


a sequence of tasks, sorted by ID


Pause the specified schedule.

Return type:



Remove the given schedule from the data store.


id (str) – the unique identifier of the schedule

Return type:


run_job(func_or_task_id, *, args=None, kwargs=None, job_executor=<unset>)

Convenience method to add a job and then return its result.

If the job raised an exception, that exception will be reraised here.

  • func_or_task_id (str | Callable) – either a callable or an ID of an existing task definition

  • args (Iterable | None) – positional arguments to be passed to the task function

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – keyword arguments to be passed to the task function

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the task with

Return type:



the return value of the task function


Run the scheduler until explicitly stopped.

Return type:



Launch the scheduler in a new thread.

This method registers atexit hooks to shut down the scheduler and wait for the thread to finish.


RuntimeError – if the scheduler is not in the stopped state

Return type:


property state: RunState

The current running state of the scheduler.


Signal the scheduler that it should stop processing schedules.

This method does not wait for the scheduler to actually stop. For that, see wait_until_stopped().

Return type:


subscribe(callback, event_types=None, *, one_shot=False)

Subscribe to events.

To unsubscribe, call the unsubscribe() method on the returned object.

  • callback – callable to be called with the event object when an event is published

  • event_types – an iterable of concrete Event classes to subscribe to

  • one_shot – if True, automatically unsubscribe after the first matching event

unpause_schedule(id, *, resume_from=None)

Unpause the specified schedule.


resume_from (datetime | Literal[‘now’] | None) – the time to resume the schedules from, or 'now' as a shorthand for datetime.now(tz=UTC) or None to resume from where the schedule left off which may cause it to misfire

Return type:



Wait until the scheduler is in the stopped or stopping state.

If the scheduler is already stopped or in the process of stopping, this method returns immediately. Otherwise, it waits until the scheduler posts the SchedulerStopped event.

Return type:


class apscheduler.AsyncScheduler(data_store=_Nothing.NOTHING, event_broker=_Nothing.NOTHING, *, identity='', role=SchedulerRole.both, max_concurrent_jobs=100, job_executors=_Nothing.NOTHING, default_job_executor=None, cleanup_interval=datetime.timedelta(seconds=900), logger=<Logger apscheduler._schedulers.async_ (WARNING)>)

An asynchronous (AnyIO based) scheduler implementation.

Requires either asyncio or Trio to work.


If running on Trio, ensure that the data store and event broker are compatible with Trio.

  • data_store – the data store for tasks, schedules and jobs

  • event_broker – the event broker to use for publishing an subscribing events

  • identity – the unique identifier of the scheduler

  • role – specifies what the scheduler should be doing when running (scheduling only, job running only, or both)

  • max_concurrent_jobs – Maximum number of jobs the scheduler will run at once

  • job_executors – a mutable mapping of executor names to executor instances

  • default_job_executor – name of the default job executor

  • cleanup_interval – interval (as seconds or timedelta) between automatic calls to cleanup()None to disable automatic clean-up

  • logger – the logger instance used to log events from the scheduler, data store and event broker

async add_job(func_or_task_id, *, args=None, kwargs=None, job_executor=<unset>, result_expiration_time=0)

Add a job to the data store.

  • func_or_task_id (TaskType) – Either the ID of a pre-existing task, or a function/method. If a function is given, a task will be created with the fully qualified name of the function as the task ID (unless that task already exists of course).

  • args (Iterable | None) – positional arguments to call the target callable with

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – keyword arguments to call the target callable with

  • job_executor (str | None | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the job with

  • result_expiration_time (timedelta | float) – the minimum time (as seconds, or timedelta) to keep the result of the job available for fetching (the result won’t be saved at all if that time is 0)

Return type:



the ID of the newly created job

async add_schedule(func_or_task_id, trigger, *, id=None, args=None, kwargs=None, paused=False, job_executor=<unset>, coalesce=CoalescePolicy.latest, misfire_grace_time=<unset>, max_jitter=None, max_running_jobs=<unset>, conflict_policy=ConflictPolicy.do_nothing)

Schedule a task to be run one or more times in the future.

  • func_or_task_id (TaskType) – either a callable or an ID of an existing task definition

  • trigger (Trigger) – determines the times when the task should be run

  • id (str | None) – an explicit identifier for the schedule (if omitted, a random, UUID based ID will be assigned)

  • args (Iterable | None) – positional arguments to be passed to the task function

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – keyword arguments to be passed to the task function

  • paused (bool) – whether the schedule is paused

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the task with

  • coalesce (CoalescePolicy) – determines what to do when processing the schedule if multiple fire times have become due for this schedule since the last processing

  • misfire_grace_time (float | timedelta | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of seconds the scheduled job’s actual run time is allowed to be late, compared to the scheduled run time

  • max_jitter (float | timedelta | None) – maximum number of seconds to randomly add to the scheduled time for each job created from this schedule

  • max_running_jobs (int | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of instances of the task that are allowed to run concurrently (if not set, uses the default misfire grace time from the associated task, or None if there is no existing task)

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – determines what to do if a schedule with the same ID already exists in the data store

Return type:



the ID of the newly added schedule

async cleanup()

Clean up expired job results and finished schedules.

Return type:


async configure_task(func_or_task_id, *, func=<unset>, job_executor=<unset>, misfire_grace_time=<unset>, max_running_jobs=<unset>)

Add or update a task definition.

Any options not explicitly passed to this method will use their default values when a new task is created:

  • job_executor: the value of default_job_executor scheduler attribute

  • misfire_grace_time: None

  • max_running_jobs: 1

When updating a task, any options not explicitly passed will remain the same.

If a callable is passed as the first argument, its fully qualified name will be used as the task ID.

  • func_or_task_id (TaskType) – either a task, task ID or a callable

  • func (Callable | UnsetValue) – a callable that will be associated with the task (can be omitted if the callable is already passed as func_or_task_id)

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the task with

  • misfire_grace_time (float | timedelta | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of seconds the scheduled job’s actual run time is allowed to be late, compared to the scheduled run time

  • max_running_jobs (int | None | UnsetValue) – maximum number of instances of the task that are allowed to run concurrently


TypeError – if func_or_task_id is neither a task, task ID or a callable

Return type:



the created or updated task definition

async get_job_result(job_id, *, wait=True)

Retrieve the result of a job.

  • job_id (UUID) – the ID of the job

  • wait (bool) – if True, wait until the job has ended (one way or another), False to raise an exception if the result is not yet available


JobLookupError – if neither the job or its result exist in the data store, or the job exists but the result is not ready yet and wait=False is set

Return type:


async get_jobs()

Retrieve all jobs from the data store.

async get_next_event(event_types)

Wait until the next event matching one of the given types arrives.


event_types – an event class or an iterable event classes to subscribe to

async get_schedule(id)

Retrieve a schedule from the data store.


id (str) – the unique identifier of the schedule


ScheduleLookupError – if the schedule could not be found

Return type:


async get_schedules()

Retrieve all schedules from the data store.


a list of schedules, in an unspecified order

async get_tasks()

Retrieve all currently defined tasks.


a sequence of tasks, sorted by ID

async pause_schedule(id)

Pause the specified schedule.

Return type:


async remove_schedule(id)

Remove the given schedule from the data store.


id (str) – the unique identifier of the schedule

Return type:


async run_job(func_or_task_id, *, args=None, kwargs=None, job_executor=<unset>)

Convenience method to add a job and then return its result.

If the job raised an exception, that exception will be reraised here.

  • func_or_task_id (str | Callable) – either a callable or an ID of an existing task definition

  • args (Iterable | None) – positional arguments to be passed to the task function

  • kwargs (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – keyword arguments to be passed to the task function

  • job_executor (str | UnsetValue) – name of the job executor to run the task with

Return type:



the return value of the task function

async run_until_stopped(*, task_status=<anyio._core._tasks._IgnoredTaskStatus object>)

Run the scheduler until explicitly stopped.

Return type:


property state: RunState

The current running state of the scheduler.

async stop()

Signal the scheduler that it should stop processing schedules.

This method does not wait for the scheduler to actually stop. For that, see wait_until_stopped().

Return type:


subscribe(callback, event_types=None, *, one_shot=False, is_async=True)

Subscribe to events.

To unsubscribe, call the unsubscribe() method on the returned object.

  • callback – callable to be called with the event object when an event is published

  • event_types – an event class or an iterable event classes to subscribe to

  • one_shot – if True, automatically unsubscribe after the first matching event

  • is_asyncTrue if the (synchronous) callback should be called on the event loop thread, False if it should be called in a worker thread. If callback is a coroutine function, this flag is ignored.

async unpause_schedule(id, *, resume_from=None)

Unpause the specified schedule.


resume_from (datetime | Literal[‘now’] | None) – the time to resume the schedules from, or 'now' as a shorthand for datetime.now(tz=UTC) or None to resume from where the schedule left off which may cause it to misfire

Return type:


async wait_until_stopped()

Wait until the scheduler is in the stopped or stopping state.

If the scheduler is already stopped or in the process of stopping, this method returns immediately. Otherwise, it waits until the scheduler posts the SchedulerStopped event.

Return type:


Job executors

class apscheduler.abc.JobExecutor
abstract async run_job(func, job)
Return type:



the return value of func (potentially awaiting on the returned aawaitable, if any)

async start(exit_stack)

Start the job executor.


exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

Return type:


class apscheduler.executors.async_.AsyncJobExecutor

Executes functions directly on the event loop thread.

If the function returns a coroutine object (or another kind of awaitable), that is awaited on and its return value is used as the job’s return value.

async run_job(func, job)
  • func

  • job


the return value of func (potentially awaiting on the returned aawaitable, if any)

class apscheduler.executors.subprocess.ProcessPoolJobExecutor(*, max_workers=40)

Executes functions in a process pool.


max_workers (int) – the maximum number of worker processes to keep

async run_job(func, job)
  • func

  • job


the return value of func (potentially awaiting on the returned aawaitable, if any)

async start(exit_stack)

Start the job executor.


exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

Return type:


class apscheduler.executors.qt.QtJobExecutor
async run_job(func, job)
  • func

  • job


the return value of func (potentially awaiting on the returned aawaitable, if any)

async start(exit_stack)

Start the job executor.


exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

Return type:


class apscheduler.executors.thread.ThreadPoolJobExecutor(*, max_workers=40)

Executes functions in a thread pool.


max_workers (int) – the maximum number of worker threads to keep

async run_job(func, job)
  • func

  • job


the return value of func (potentially awaiting on the returned aawaitable, if any)

async start(exit_stack)

Start the job executor.


exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

Return type:


Data stores

class apscheduler.abc.DataStore

Interface for data stores.

Data stores keep track of tasks, schedules and jobs. When these objects change, the data store publishes events to the associated event broker accordingly.

abstract async acquire_jobs(scheduler_id, limit=None)

Acquire unclaimed jobs for execution.

This method claims up to the requested number of jobs for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit (int | None) – maximum number of jobs to claim and return

Return type:



the list of claimed jobs

abstract async acquire_schedules(scheduler_id, limit)

Acquire unclaimed due schedules for processing.

This method claims up to the requested number of schedules for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit – maximum number of schedules to claim


the list of claimed schedules

abstract async add_job(job)

Add a job to be executed by an eligible scheduler.


job (Job) – the job object

Return type:


abstract async add_schedule(schedule, conflict_policy)

Add or update the given schedule in the data store.

  • schedule (Schedule) – schedule to be added

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – policy that determines what to do if there is an existing schedule with the same ID

Return type:


abstract async add_task(task)

Add the given task to the store.

If a task with the same ID already exists, it replaces the old one but does NOT affect task accounting (# of running jobs).


task (Task) – the task to be added

Return type:


abstract async cleanup()

Purge expired job results and finished schedules that have no running jobs associated with them.

Return type:


abstract async get_job_result(job_id)

Retrieve the result of a job.

The result is removed from the store after retrieval.


job_id (UUID) – the identifier of the job

Return type:

JobResult | None


the result, or None if the result was not found

abstract async get_jobs(ids=None)

Get the list of pending jobs.


ids (Iterable[UUID] | None) – a specific set of job IDs to return, or None to return all jobs

Return type:



the list of matching pending jobs, in the order they will be given to schedulers

abstract async get_next_schedule_run_time()

Return the earliest upcoming run time of all the schedules in the store, or None if there are no active schedules.

Return type:

datetime | None

abstract async get_schedules(ids=None)

Get schedules from the data store.


ids – a specific set of schedule IDs to return, or None to return all schedules


the list of matching schedules, in unspecified order

abstract async get_task(task_id)

Get an existing task definition.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be returned

Return type:



the matching task


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

abstract async get_tasks()

Get all the tasks in this store.


a list of tasks, sorted by ID

abstract async release_job(scheduler_id, job, result)

Release the claim on the given job and record the result.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • job (Job) – the job to be released

  • result (JobResult) – the result of the job

Return type:


abstract async release_schedules(scheduler_id, schedules)

Release the claims on the given schedules and update them on the store.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • schedules – the previously claimed schedules

abstract async remove_schedules(ids)

Remove schedules from the data store.


ids (Iterable[str]) – a specific set of schedule IDs to remove

Return type:


abstract async remove_task(task_id)

Remove the task with the given ID.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be removed


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

Return type:


abstract async start(exit_stack, event_broker, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • event_broker (EventBroker) – the event broker shared between the scheduler, scheduler (if any) and this data store

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the data store should use to log events

Return type:


class apscheduler.datastores.memory.MemoryDataStore(tasks=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedules=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedules_by_id=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedules_by_task_id=_Nothing.NOTHING, jobs=_Nothing.NOTHING, jobs_by_id=_Nothing.NOTHING, jobs_by_task_id=_Nothing.NOTHING, jobs_by_schedule_id=_Nothing.NOTHING, job_results=_Nothing.NOTHING, *, lock_expiration_delay=30)

Stores scheduler data in memory, without serializing it.

Can be shared between multiple schedulers within the same event loop.

async acquire_jobs(scheduler_id, limit=None)

Acquire unclaimed jobs for execution.

This method claims up to the requested number of jobs for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit (int | None) – maximum number of jobs to claim and return

Return type:



the list of claimed jobs

async acquire_schedules(scheduler_id, limit)

Acquire unclaimed due schedules for processing.

This method claims up to the requested number of schedules for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit – maximum number of schedules to claim


the list of claimed schedules

async add_job(job)

Add a job to be executed by an eligible scheduler.


job (Job) – the job object

Return type:


async add_schedule(schedule, conflict_policy)

Add or update the given schedule in the data store.

  • schedule (Schedule) – schedule to be added

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – policy that determines what to do if there is an existing schedule with the same ID

Return type:


async add_task(task)

Add the given task to the store.

If a task with the same ID already exists, it replaces the old one but does NOT affect task accounting (# of running jobs).


task (Task) – the task to be added

Return type:


async cleanup()

Purge expired job results and finished schedules that have no running jobs associated with them.

Return type:


async get_job_result(job_id)

Retrieve the result of a job.

The result is removed from the store after retrieval.


job_id (UUID) – the identifier of the job

Return type:

JobResult | None


the result, or None if the result was not found

async get_jobs(ids=None)

Get the list of pending jobs.


ids (Iterable[UUID] | None) – a specific set of job IDs to return, or None to return all jobs

Return type:



the list of matching pending jobs, in the order they will be given to schedulers

async get_next_schedule_run_time()

Return the earliest upcoming run time of all the schedules in the store, or None if there are no active schedules.

Return type:

datetime | None

async get_schedules(ids=None)

Get schedules from the data store.


ids – a specific set of schedule IDs to return, or None to return all schedules


the list of matching schedules, in unspecified order

async get_task(task_id)

Get an existing task definition.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be returned

Return type:



the matching task


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

async get_tasks()

Get all the tasks in this store.


a list of tasks, sorted by ID

async release_job(scheduler_id, job, result)

Release the claim on the given job and record the result.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • job (Job) – the job to be released

  • result (JobResult) – the result of the job

Return type:


async release_schedules(scheduler_id, schedules)

Release the claims on the given schedules and update them on the store.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • schedules – the previously claimed schedules

async remove_schedules(ids, *, finished=False)

Remove schedules from the data store.


ids (Iterable[str]) – a specific set of schedule IDs to remove

Return type:


async remove_task(task_id)

Remove the task with the given ID.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be removed


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

Return type:


class apscheduler.datastores.sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemyDataStore(engine, schema=None, max_poll_time=1, max_idle_time=60, *, retry_settings=RetrySettings(stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>), lock_expiration_delay=30, serializer=_Nothing.NOTHING, start_from_scratch=False)

Uses a relational database to store data.

When started, this data store creates the appropriate tables on the given database if they’re not already present.

Operations are retried (in accordance to retry_settings) when an operation raises sqlalchemy.OperationalError.

This store has been tested to work with:

  • PostgreSQL (asyncpg and psycopg drivers)

  • MySQL (asyncmy driver)

  • aiosqlite

  • engine (Engine | AsyncEngine) – an asynchronous SQLAlchemy engine

  • schema (str | None) – a database schema name to use, if not the default

async acquire_jobs(scheduler_id, limit=None)

Acquire unclaimed jobs for execution.

This method claims up to the requested number of jobs for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit (int | None) – maximum number of jobs to claim and return

Return type:



the list of claimed jobs

async acquire_schedules(scheduler_id, limit)

Acquire unclaimed due schedules for processing.

This method claims up to the requested number of schedules for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit – maximum number of schedules to claim


the list of claimed schedules

async add_job(job)

Add a job to be executed by an eligible scheduler.


job (Job) – the job object

Return type:


async add_schedule(schedule, conflict_policy)

Add or update the given schedule in the data store.

  • schedule (Schedule) – schedule to be added

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – policy that determines what to do if there is an existing schedule with the same ID

Return type:


async add_task(task)

Add the given task to the store.

If a task with the same ID already exists, it replaces the old one but does NOT affect task accounting (# of running jobs).


task (Task) – the task to be added

Return type:


async cleanup()

Purge expired job results and finished schedules that have no running jobs associated with them.

Return type:


classmethod from_url(url, **options)

Create a new asynchronous SQLAlchemy data store.

  • url – an SQLAlchemy URL to pass to create_engine() (must use an async dialect like asyncpg or asyncmy)

  • options – keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class


the newly created data store

async get_job_result(job_id)

Retrieve the result of a job.

The result is removed from the store after retrieval.


job_id (UUID) – the identifier of the job

Return type:

JobResult | None


the result, or None if the result was not found

async get_jobs(ids=None)

Get the list of pending jobs.


ids (Iterable[UUID] | None) – a specific set of job IDs to return, or None to return all jobs

Return type:



the list of matching pending jobs, in the order they will be given to schedulers

async get_next_schedule_run_time()

Return the earliest upcoming run time of all the schedules in the store, or None if there are no active schedules.

Return type:

datetime | None

async get_schedules(ids=None)

Get schedules from the data store.


ids – a specific set of schedule IDs to return, or None to return all schedules


the list of matching schedules, in unspecified order

async get_task(task_id)

Get an existing task definition.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be returned

Return type:



the matching task


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

async get_tasks()

Get all the tasks in this store.


a list of tasks, sorted by ID

async release_job(scheduler_id, job, result)

Release the claim on the given job and record the result.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • job (Job) – the job to be released

  • result (JobResult) – the result of the job

Return type:


async release_schedules(scheduler_id, schedules)

Release the claims on the given schedules and update them on the store.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • schedules – the previously claimed schedules

async remove_schedules(ids)

Remove schedules from the data store.


ids (Iterable[str]) – a specific set of schedule IDs to remove

Return type:


async remove_task(task_id)

Remove the task with the given ID.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be removed


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

Return type:


async start(exit_stack, event_broker, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • event_broker (EventBroker) – the event broker shared between the scheduler, scheduler (if any) and this data store

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the data store should use to log events

Return type:


class apscheduler.datastores.mongodb.MongoDBDataStore(client, *, retry_settings=RetrySettings(stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>), lock_expiration_delay=30, serializer=_Nothing.NOTHING, start_from_scratch=False, database='apscheduler')

Uses a MongoDB server to store data.

When started, this data store creates the appropriate indexes on the given database if they’re not already present.

Operations are retried (in accordance to retry_settings) when an operation raises pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure.

  • client (MongoClient) – a PyMongo client

  • database (str) – name of the database to use


Datetimes are stored as integers along with their UTC offsets instead of BSON datetimes due to the BSON datetimes only being accurate to the millisecond while Python datetimes are accurate to the microsecond.

async acquire_jobs(scheduler_id, limit=None)

Acquire unclaimed jobs for execution.

This method claims up to the requested number of jobs for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit (int | None) – maximum number of jobs to claim and return

Return type:



the list of claimed jobs

async acquire_schedules(scheduler_id, limit)

Acquire unclaimed due schedules for processing.

This method claims up to the requested number of schedules for the given scheduler and returns them.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • limit – maximum number of schedules to claim


the list of claimed schedules

async add_job(job)

Add a job to be executed by an eligible scheduler.


job (Job) – the job object

Return type:


async add_schedule(schedule, conflict_policy)

Add or update the given schedule in the data store.

  • schedule (Schedule) – schedule to be added

  • conflict_policy (ConflictPolicy) – policy that determines what to do if there is an existing schedule with the same ID

Return type:


async add_task(task)

Add the given task to the store.

If a task with the same ID already exists, it replaces the old one but does NOT affect task accounting (# of running jobs).


task (Task) – the task to be added

Return type:


async cleanup()

Purge expired job results and finished schedules that have no running jobs associated with them.

Return type:


async get_job_result(job_id)

Retrieve the result of a job.

The result is removed from the store after retrieval.


job_id (UUID) – the identifier of the job

Return type:

JobResult | None


the result, or None if the result was not found

async get_jobs(ids=None)

Get the list of pending jobs.


ids (Iterable[UUID] | None) – a specific set of job IDs to return, or None to return all jobs

Return type:



the list of matching pending jobs, in the order they will be given to schedulers

async get_next_schedule_run_time()

Return the earliest upcoming run time of all the schedules in the store, or None if there are no active schedules.

Return type:

datetime | None

async get_schedules(ids=None)

Get schedules from the data store.


ids – a specific set of schedule IDs to return, or None to return all schedules


the list of matching schedules, in unspecified order

async get_task(task_id)

Get an existing task definition.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be returned

Return type:



the matching task


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

async get_tasks()

Get all the tasks in this store.


a list of tasks, sorted by ID

async release_job(scheduler_id, job, result)

Release the claim on the given job and record the result.

  • scheduler_id (str) – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • job (Job) – the job to be released

  • result (JobResult) – the result of the job

Return type:


async release_schedules(scheduler_id, schedules)

Release the claims on the given schedules and update them on the store.

  • scheduler_id – unique identifier of the scheduler

  • schedules – the previously claimed schedules

async remove_schedules(ids)

Remove schedules from the data store.


ids (Iterable[str]) – a specific set of schedule IDs to remove

Return type:


async remove_task(task_id)

Remove the task with the given ID.


task_id (str) – ID of the task to be removed


TaskLookupError – if no matching task was found

Return type:


async start(exit_stack, event_broker, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • event_broker (EventBroker) – the event broker shared between the scheduler, scheduler (if any) and this data store

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the data store should use to log events

Return type:


Event brokers

class apscheduler.abc.EventBroker

Interface for objects that can be used to publish notifications to interested subscribers.

abstract async publish(event)

Publish an event.

Return type:


abstract async publish_local(event)

Publish an event, but only to local subscribers.

Return type:


abstract async start(exit_stack, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the event broker should use to log events

Return type:


abstract subscribe(callback, event_types=None, *, is_async=True, one_shot=False)

Subscribe to events from this event broker.

  • callback – callable to be called with the event object when an event is published

  • event_types – an iterable of concrete Event classes to subscribe to

  • is_asyncTrue if the (synchronous) callback should be called on the event loop thread, False if it should be called in a scheduler thread. If the callback is a coroutine function, this flag is ignored.

  • one_shot – if True, automatically unsubscribe after the first matching event

class apscheduler.abc.Subscription

Represents a subscription with an event source.

If used as a context manager, unsubscribes on exit.

abstract unsubscribe()

Cancel this subscription.

Does nothing if the subscription has already been cancelled.

Return type:


class apscheduler.eventbrokers.local.LocalEventBroker

Asynchronous, local event broker.

This event broker only broadcasts within the process it runs in, and is therefore not suitable for multi-node or multiprocess use cases.

Does not serialize events.

async publish(event)

Publish an event.

Return type:


class apscheduler.eventbrokers.asyncpg.AsyncpgEventBroker(connection_factory, *, retry_settings=RetrySettings(stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>), serializer=_Nothing.NOTHING, channel='apscheduler', max_idle_time=10)

An asynchronous, asyncpg based event broker that uses a PostgreSQL server to broadcast events using its NOTIFY mechanism.

  • connection_factory (Callable[[], Awaitable[Connection]]) – a callable that creates an asyncpg connection

  • channel (str) – the NOTIFY channel to use

  • max_idle_time (float) – maximum time to let the connection go idle, before sending a SELECT 1 query to prevent a connection timeout

classmethod from_async_sqla_engine(engine, options=None, **kwargs)

Create a new asyncpg event broker from an SQLAlchemy engine.

The engine will only be used to create the appropriate options for asyncpg.connect().

  • engine (AsyncEngine) – an asynchronous SQLAlchemy engine using asyncpg as the driver

  • options (Mapping[str, Any] | None) – extra keyword arguments passed to asyncpg.connect() (will override any automatically generated arguments based on the engine)

  • kwargs (Any) – keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class

Return type:



the newly created event broker

classmethod from_dsn(dsn, options=None, **kwargs)

Create a new asyncpg event broker from an existing asyncpg connection pool.

  • dsn – data source name, passed as first positional argument to asyncpg.connect()

  • options – keyword arguments passed to asyncpg.connect()

  • kwargs – keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class


the newly created event broker

async publish(event)

Publish an event.

Return type:


async start(exit_stack, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the event broker should use to log events

Return type:


class apscheduler.eventbrokers.mqtt.MQTTEventBroker(client=_Nothing.NOTHING, *, retry_settings=RetrySettings(stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>), serializer=_Nothing.NOTHING, host='localhost', port=1883, topic='apscheduler', subscribe_qos=0, publish_qos=0)

An event broker that uses an MQTT (v3.1 or v5) broker to broadcast events.

Requires the paho-mqtt library (v2.0 or later) to be installed.

  • client (Client) – a paho-mqtt client

  • host (str) – host name or IP address to connect to

  • port (int) – TCP port number to connect to

  • topic (str) – topic on which to send the messages

  • subscribe_qos (int) – MQTT QoS to use for subscribing messages

  • publish_qos (int) – MQTT QoS to use for publishing messages

async publish(event)

Publish an event.

Return type:


async start(exit_stack, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the event broker should use to log events

Return type:


class apscheduler.eventbrokers.redis.RedisEventBroker(client, *, retry_settings=RetrySettings(stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>), serializer=_Nothing.NOTHING, channel='apscheduler', stop_check_interval=1, close_client_on_exit=False)

An event broker that uses a Redis server to broadcast events.

Requires the redis library to be installed.

  • client (Redis) – an asynchronous Redis client

  • channel (str) – channel on which to send the messages

  • stop_check_interval (float) – interval (in seconds) on which the channel listener should check if it should stop (higher values mean slower reaction time but less CPU use)

classmethod from_url(url, **kwargs)

Create a new event broker from a URL.

  • url (str) – a Redis URL (`redis://...`)

  • kwargs (Any) – keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class

Return type:



the newly created event broker

async publish(event)

Publish an event.

Return type:


async start(exit_stack, logger)

Start the event broker.

  • exit_stack (AsyncExitStack) – an asynchronous exit stack which will be processed when the scheduler is shut down

  • logger (Logger) – the logger object the event broker should use to log events

Return type:



class apscheduler.abc.Serializer

Interface for classes that implement (de)serialization.

abstract deserialize(serialized)

Restore a previously serialized object from bytestring


serialized (bytes) – a bytestring previously received from serialize()

Return type:



a copy of the original object

abstract serialize(obj)

Turn the given object into a bytestring.

Must handle the serialization of at least any JSON type, plus the following:

Return type:



a bytestring that can be later restored using deserialize()

class apscheduler.serializers.cbor.CBORSerializer(*, type_tag=4664, dump_options=_Nothing.NOTHING, load_options=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Serializes objects using CBOR (RFC 8949).

Can serialize types not normally CBOR serializable, if they implement __getstate__() and __setstate__().

  • type_tag – CBOR tag number for indicating arbitrary serialized object

  • dump_options – keyword arguments passed to cbor2.dumps()

  • load_options – keyword arguments passed to cbor2.loads()


Restore a previously serialized object from bytestring


serialized (bytes) – a bytestring previously received from serialize()


a copy of the original object


Turn the given object into a bytestring.

Must handle the serialization of at least any JSON type, plus the following:

Return type:



a bytestring that can be later restored using deserialize()

class apscheduler.serializers.json.JSONSerializer(*, magic_key='_apscheduler_json', dump_options=_Nothing.NOTHING, load_options=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Serializes objects using JSON.

Can serialize types not normally CBOR serializable, if they implement __getstate__() and __setstate__(). These objects are serialized into dicts that contain the necessary information for deserialization in magic_key.

  • magic_key – name of a specially handled dict key that indicates that a dict contains a serialized instance of an arbitrary type

  • dump_options – keyword arguments passed to json.dumps()

  • load_options – keyword arguments passed to json.loads()


Restore a previously serialized object from bytestring


serialized (bytes) – a bytestring previously received from serialize()


a copy of the original object


Turn the given object into a bytestring.

Must handle the serialization of at least any JSON type, plus the following:

Return type:



a bytestring that can be later restored using deserialize()

class apscheduler.serializers.pickle.PickleSerializer(*, protocol=4)

Uses the pickle module to (de)serialize objects.

As this serialization method is native to Python, it is able to serialize a wide range of types, at the expense of being insecure. Do not use this serializer unless you can fully trust the entire system to not have maliciously injected data. Such data can be made to call arbitrary functions with arbitrary arguments on unpickling.


protocol (int) – the pickle protocol number to use


Restore a previously serialized object from bytestring


serialized (bytes) – a bytestring previously received from serialize()


a copy of the original object


Turn the given object into a bytestring.

Must handle the serialization of at least any JSON type, plus the following:

Return type:



a bytestring that can be later restored using deserialize()


class apscheduler.abc.Trigger(*args, **kwds)

Abstract base class that defines the interface that every trigger must implement.

abstract __getstate__()

Return the serializable state of the trigger.

Return type:


abstract __setstate__(state)

Initialize an empty instance from an existing state.

Return type:


abstract next()

Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None

class apscheduler.triggers.date.DateTrigger(run_time)

Triggers once on the given date/time.


run_time (Any) – the date/time to run the job at


Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None

class apscheduler.triggers.interval.IntervalTrigger(*, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0, start_time=_Nothing.NOTHING, end_time=None)

Triggers on specified intervals.

The first trigger time is on start_time which is the moment the trigger was created unless specifically overridden. If end_time is specified, the last trigger time will be at or before that time. If no end_time has been given, the trigger will produce new trigger times as long as the resulting datetimes are valid datetimes in Python.

  • weeks (float) – number of weeks to wait

  • days (float) – number of days to wait

  • hours (float) – number of hours to wait

  • minutes (float) – number of minutes to wait

  • seconds (float) – number of seconds to wait

  • microseconds (float) – number of microseconds to wait

  • start_time (Any) – first trigger date/time (defaults to current date/time if omitted)

  • end_time (Optional[Any]) – latest possible date/time to trigger on


Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None

class apscheduler.triggers.calendarinterval.CalendarIntervalTrigger(*, years=0, months=0, weeks=0, days=0, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, start_date=_Nothing.NOTHING, end_date=None, timezone='local')

Runs the task on specified calendar-based intervals always at the same exact time of day.

When calculating the next date, the years and months parameters are first added to the previous date while keeping the day of the month constant. This is repeated until the resulting date is valid. After that, the weeks and days parameters are added to that date. Finally, the date is combined with the given time (hour, minute, second) to form the final datetime.

This means that if the days or weeks parameters are not used, the task will always be executed on the same day of the month at the same wall clock time, assuming the date and time are valid.

If the resulting datetime is invalid due to a daylight saving forward shift, the date is discarded and the process moves on to the next date. If instead the datetime is ambiguous due to a backward DST shift, the earlier of the two resulting datetimes is used.

If no previous run time is specified when requesting a new run time (like when starting for the first time or resuming after being paused), start_date is used as a reference and the next valid datetime equal to or later than the current time will be returned. Otherwise, the next valid datetime starting from the previous run time is returned, even if it’s in the past.


Be wary of setting a start date near the end of the month (29. – 31.) if you have months specified in your interval, as this will skip the months when those days do not exist. Likewise, setting the start date on the leap day (February 29th) and having years defined may cause some years to be skipped.

Users are also discouraged from using a time inside the target timezone’s DST switching period (typically around 2 am) since a date could either be skipped or repeated due to the specified wall clock time either occurring twice or not at all.

  • years (int) – number of years to wait

  • months (int) – number of months to wait

  • weeks (int) – number of weeks to wait

  • days (int) – number of days to wait

  • hour (int) – hour to run the task at

  • minute (int) – minute to run the task at

  • second (int) – second to run the task at

  • start_date (Any) – first date to trigger on (defaults to current date if omitted)

  • end_date (Optional[Any]) – latest possible date to trigger on

  • timezone (Any) – time zone to use for calculating the next fire time


Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None

class apscheduler.triggers.combining.AndTrigger(triggers, threshold=1, max_iterations=10000)

Fires on times produced by the enclosed triggers whenever the fire times are within the given threshold.

If the produced fire times are not within the given threshold of each other, the trigger(s) that produced the earliest fire time will be asked for their next fire time and the iteration is restarted. If instead all the triggers agree on a fire time, all the triggers are asked for their next fire times and the earliest of the previously produced fire times will be returned.

This trigger will be finished when any of the enclosed trigger has finished.

  • triggers – triggers to combine

  • threshold – maximum time difference between the next fire times of the triggers in order for the earliest of them to be returned from next() (in seconds, or as timedelta)

  • max_iterations – maximum number of iterations of fire time calculations before giving up


Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None

class apscheduler.triggers.combining.OrTrigger(triggers)

Fires on every fire time of every trigger in chronological order. If two or more triggers produce the same fire time, it will only be used once.

This trigger will be finished when none of the enclosed triggers can produce any new fire times.


triggers – triggers to combine


Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None

class apscheduler.triggers.cron.CronTrigger(*, year=None, month=None, day=None, week=None, day_of_week=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, start_time=_Nothing.NOTHING, end_time=None, timezone=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Triggers when current time matches all specified time constraints, similarly to how the UNIX cron scheduler works.

  • year (int | str | None) – 4-digit year

  • month (int | str | None) – month (1-12)

  • day (int | str | None) – day of the (1-31)

  • week (int | str | None) – ISO week (1-53)

  • day_of_week (int | str | None) – number or name of weekday (0-7 or sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat, sun)

  • hour (int | str | None) – hour (0-23)

  • minute (int | str | None) – minute (0-59)

  • second (int | str | None) – second (0-59)

  • start_time (Any) – earliest possible date/time to trigger on (defaults to current time)

  • end_time (Any) – latest possible date/time to trigger on

  • timezone (Any) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults to the local timezone)


The first weekday is always monday.

classmethod from_crontab(expr, timezone='local')

Create a CronTrigger from a standard crontab expression.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron for more information on the format accepted here.

  • expr (str) – minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week

  • timezone (str | tzinfo) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults to local timezone if omitted)

Return type:



Return the next datetime to fire on.

If no such datetime can be calculated, None is returned.


MaxIterationsReached – if the trigger’s internal logic has exceeded a set maximum of iterations (used to detect potentially infinite loops)

Return type:

datetime | None


class apscheduler.Event(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Base class for all events.


timestamp – the time when the event occurred

class apscheduler.DataStoreEvent(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Base class for events originating from a data store.

class apscheduler.TaskAdded(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, task_id)

Signals that a new task was added to the store.


task_id – ID of the task that was added

class apscheduler.TaskUpdated(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, task_id)

Signals that a task was updated in a data store.


task_id – ID of the task that was updated

class apscheduler.TaskRemoved(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, task_id)

Signals that a task was removed from the store.


task_id – ID of the task that was removed

class apscheduler.ScheduleAdded(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedule_id, task_id, next_fire_time)

Signals that a new schedule was added to the store.

  • schedule_id – ID of the schedule that was added

  • task_id – ID of the task the schedule belongs to

  • next_fire_time – the first run time calculated for the schedule

class apscheduler.ScheduleUpdated(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedule_id, task_id, next_fire_time)

Signals that a schedule has been updated in the store.

  • schedule_id – ID of the schedule that was updated

  • task_id – ID of the task the schedule belongs to

  • next_fire_time – the next time the schedule will run

class apscheduler.ScheduleRemoved(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedule_id, task_id, finished)

Signals that a schedule was removed from the store.

  • schedule_id – ID of the schedule that was removed

  • task_id – ID of the task the schedule belongs to

  • finishedTrue if the schedule was removed automatically because its trigger had no more fire times left

class apscheduler.JobAdded(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, job_id, task_id, schedule_id)

Signals that a new job was added to the store.

  • job_id – ID of the job that was added

  • task_id – ID of the task the job would run

  • schedule_id – ID of the schedule the job was created from

class apscheduler.JobRemoved(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, job_id, task_id)

Signals that a job was removed from the store.

  • job_id – ID of the job that was removed

  • task_id – ID of the task the job would have run

class apscheduler.ScheduleDeserializationFailed(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, schedule_id, exception)

Signals that the deserialization of a schedule has failed.

  • schedule_id – ID of the schedule that failed to deserialize

  • exception – the exception that was raised during deserialization

class apscheduler.JobDeserializationFailed(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, job_id, exception)

Signals that the deserialization of a job has failed.

  • job_id – ID of the job that failed to deserialize

  • exception – the exception that was raised during deserialization

class apscheduler.SchedulerEvent(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING)

Base class for events originating from a scheduler.

class apscheduler.SchedulerStarted(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING)
class apscheduler.SchedulerStopped(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, exception=None)

Signals that a scheduler has stopped.


exception – the exception that caused the scheduler to stop, if any

class apscheduler.JobAcquired(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, job_id, scheduler_id, task_id, schedule_id=None, scheduled_start)

Signals that a scheduler has acquired a job for processing.

  • job_id (Any) – the ID of the job that was acquired

  • scheduler_id (str) – the ID of the scheduler that acquired the job

  • task_id (str) – ID of the task the job belongs to

  • schedule_id (str | None) – ID of the schedule that

  • scheduled_start (Any) – the time the job was scheduled to start via a schedule (if any)

classmethod from_job(job, scheduler_id)

Create a new job-acquired event from a job and a scheduler ID.

  • job (Job) – the job that was acquired

  • scheduler_id (str) – the ID of the scheduler that acquired the job

Return type:



a new job-acquired event

class apscheduler.JobReleased(*, timestamp=_Nothing.NOTHING, job_id, scheduler_id, task_id, schedule_id=None, scheduled_start, started_at, outcome, exception_type=None, exception_message=None, exception_traceback=None)

Signals that a scheduler has finished processing of a job.

  • job_id (uuid.UUID) – the ID of the job that was released

  • scheduler_id (str) – the ID of the scheduler that released the job

  • scheduled_start (Any) – the time the job was scheduled to start via a schedule (if any)

  • started_at (Any) – the time the executor actually started running the job (None if the job was skipped due to missing its start deadline)

  • outcome (Any) – the outcome of the job

  • exception_type (str | None) – the fully qualified name of the exception if outcome is JobOutcome.error

  • exception_message (str | None) – the result of str(exception) if outcome is JobOutcome.error

  • exception_traceback (list[str] | None) – the traceback lines from the exception if outcome is JobOutcome.error

classmethod from_result(job, result, scheduler_id)

Create a new job-released event from a job, the job result and a scheduler ID.

  • job (Job) – the job that was acquired

  • result (JobResult) – the result of the job

  • scheduler_id (str) – the ID of the scheduler that acquired the job

Return type:



a new job-released event

Enumerated types

class apscheduler.SchedulerRole

Bases: Enum

Specifies what the scheduler should be doing when it’s running.


processes due schedules, but won’t run jobs


runs due jobs, but won’t process schedules


processes schedules and runs due jobs

class apscheduler.RunState

Bases: Enum

Used to track the running state of schedulers.


not running yet, but in the process of starting




still running but in the process of shutting down


not running

class apscheduler.JobOutcome

Bases: Enum

Used to indicate how the execution of a job ended.


the job completed successfully


the job raised an exception


the job’s execution was delayed enough for it to miss


the job’s execution was cancelled

class apscheduler.ConflictPolicy

Bases: Enum

Used to indicate what to do when trying to add a schedule whose ID conflicts with an existing schedule.


replace the existing schedule with a new one


keep the existing schedule as-is and drop the new schedule


raise an exception if a conflict is detected

class apscheduler.CoalescePolicy

Bases: Enum

Used to indicate how to queue jobs for a schedule that has accumulated multiple run times since the last scheduler iteration.


run once, with the earliest fire time


run once, with the latest fire time


submit one job for every accumulated fire time

Context variables

See the contextvars module for information on how to work with context variables.

apscheduler.current_scheduler: ContextVar[Scheduler]

The current scheduler.

apscheduler.current_async_scheduler: ContextVar[AsyncScheduler]

The current asynchronous scheduler.

apscheduler.current_job: ContextVar[Job]

The job being currently run (available when running the job’s target callable).


exception apscheduler.TaskLookupError(task_id)

Raised by a data store when it cannot find the requested task.

exception apscheduler.ScheduleLookupError(schedule_id)

Raised by a scheduler when it cannot find the requested schedule.

exception apscheduler.JobLookupError(job_id)

Raised when the job store cannot find a job for update or removal.

exception apscheduler.JobResultNotReady(job_id)

Raised by get_job_result() if the job result is not ready.

exception apscheduler.JobCancelled

Raised by get_job_result() if the job was cancelled.

exception apscheduler.JobDeadlineMissed

Raised by get_job_result() if the job failed to start within the allotted time.

exception apscheduler.ConflictingIdError(schedule_id)

Raised when trying to add a schedule to a store that already contains a schedule by that ID, and the conflict policy of exception is used.

exception apscheduler.SerializationError

Raised when a serializer fails to serialize the given object.

exception apscheduler.DeserializationError

Raised when a serializer fails to deserialize the given object.

exception apscheduler.MaxIterationsReached

Raised when a trigger has reached its maximum number of allowed computation iterations when trying to calculate the next fire time.

Support classes for retrying failures

class apscheduler.RetrySettings(*, stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>)

Settings for retrying an operation with Tenacity.

  • stop (stop_base) – defines when to stop trying

  • wait (wait_base) – defines how long to wait between attempts

class apscheduler.RetryMixin(*, retry_settings=RetrySettings(stop=<tenacity.stop.stop_after_delay object>, wait=<tenacity.wait.wait_exponential object>))

Mixin that provides support for retrying operations.


retry_settings (RetrySettings) – Tenacity settings for retrying operations in case of a database connecitivty problem

Support classes for unset options


Sentinel value for unset option values.